FORMATTED LAPTOPS: How to solve Bluetooth/Wireless Problem

Hi there and welcome to another thrilling post on Mytutorialarena.
Laptops, as we all know, are handy computers that help us do many
varieties of job easily. At times, too much work/infected files may
require the laptop to be formatted. During formatting, the computer
undergoes an 'electromechanical surgery' which removes all of its
third-party software and some of its in-built functionalities. Some of
these lost in-built programs re-installed automatically during
Operating System (OS) initialisation, but in most cases, some programs
such Bluetooth/Wireless connection may not function properly after the
format. If you're facing a similar case as this, you are in the right
place. Welcome!

After the system format, the first most important thing is to check if
the in-built programs such as Bluetooth are working. How? To do that;
1. Go to 'COMPUTER'
2. Click on 'SYSTEM PROPERTIES' (for window 7 and above)
3. On the screen that appeared, click on 'DEVICE MANAGER' on the top
left side of the screen.
Note: on the device manager screen, you will notice a warning symbol
beside some programs. What does this mean? It simply mean that those
programs are present on the computer BUT they lack working utilities
or drivers. It is like having a dog who you haven't fed for a week; it
may be alive but not in the right sense.
If the warning symbol is not there but the Bluetooth program is
available, it means that the Bluetooth is working properly. If that's
the case, you don't need to troubleshoot anything

There are, perhaps, several (let me say many) ways to go about it but
here on this blog, I will share the surest and most secure way. Since
we know that the problem is not with the PC but the missing drivers,
we can get the necessary drivers, install them, restart the computer
and the Bluetooth will start working. How?
1. Check your PC model/specification. Try and write it down (we shall
need it). E.g. 'HP Jaywal1650'. Got that? Good!
2. Surf to the manufacturer's webpage. For instance, will take you to the drivers
segment of Helwett Packard (HP). If you're on a computer with
different manufacturer, a careful Google Search with the keyword
'#name of manufacturer# drivers page' - e.g. Dell drivers page - will
direct you to the appropriate segment.
3. Input the computer's model into the space provided.
4. Download the driver that specifies the issue at hand.
5. Install it
6. Go back to the device manager mentioned earlier, right-click on the
Bluetooth program, select 'Scan For Hardware Changes'.
7. If that is a success, restart your computer to save the changes.
Congratulations, you have just re-installed your lost Bluetooth and
that is all for the Bluetooth troubleshooting. You can apply same
procedure to any other missing/malfunctioning drivers.

I hope it helps. Thanks for visiting!

GOOGLE Shows Interest In Nigeria 2015 Elections

Google, a renowned company popular for its first class search engine and other ever-reliable services, had shown a concern about the Nigeria 2015 general elections. The authority of the Google company had launched a public portal to help voters and citizens to get an easy access to the latest information about the election. The portal which can be located at  was created by Google to provide easy access to media information such as news, videos, audiovisual files and pictures about the election and each political parties in the country. The portal is public, to the extent that it can be viewed from Smartphones, computers, or mobile phones.

Taiwo Kola-Ogunlade, Google's Communication and Public Affairs Manager for Nigeria, confirmed the launching in a press release by ThisDayLive. He stated: "The internet continues to play increasingly role in the way political parties and voters take part in elections in Africa. Today, it's easier for voters to actively take part in the electoral process".
He further added that "visitors to the portal will be able to access news, features and audiovisual content on the political parties and their candidates,  other major players and the various preparation by the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC),in the run-up to the polls. There are also interactive platforms that will enable the candidates better articulate their manifestoes and agenda to the voting public who in turn can task the office seekers on issues of interest to them."

Attached to this gallery feature and multimedia concept created by Google is another feature located at where web surfers were permitted to make and create a public badge which can be shared on social media. "there are other features that are also designed to encourage eligible voters to vote on the Election Day. We have the 'pledge to vote' feature which allows visitors to publicly commit to vote via personalised #pledgetovote badges which can be downloaded and shared with their friends and the public via social media." To backup his points, the manager stated that "we think that by sharing pictures and images of their badges with friends or acquaintances on facebook and other social media, they too may be encouraged to make a pledge. The more people who commit, the greater the voter turnout and the better Nigeria's democracy would be for it."

He made it known that this kind of technology wasn't the first that Google had launched. "Its not the first time that Google has launched an Election hub for a country, the concept was first launched in 2007, and has since had other 40 editions including during the 2013 Ghana and Kenya polls" - he said on a final note.

So far, so good. I think the atmosphere of communication in Nigeria, is changing everyday with much favour to science and technology. Improvements included changing from analog to digital; graduating from antenna to satellite dish; moving forward from stationary to satellite campus; proceeding from manual to automatic; and with good communication media like these, it is my belief that Nigeria by 2050, will no longer vote with ballot papers. She will have graduated out of that to a more stable computer age.

Thanks for visiting.


Of all computer adventurous stories and implementations, technology is not a static phenomenon; rather it changes, improves, advances and broadens every day. Today, with technology at hand, the world of computing seems friendly to this computer age.
I welcome you this educative post that will help you improve your standard.
In this post, I shall share with you how you can control your computer remotely over a short/long distance.
Index of this page
Step 4(Configuring/controlling 2)

Think of travelling to a far place from home and oops! You forgot to do something on your PC at home! In this post, you will learn how to control your computer over such a long distance.

Before we proceed, please note that to control your computer remotely with this technology trend, you will need at least two computers; the one to be controlled and the controller computer itself and both must be powered on.
We shall need software called TeamViewer and you can get it through any of the options mention below.
1. Download the latest TeamViewer from the TeamViewer's website.
If you reside in Nigeria, you can save your data by getting a copy of the JAMB's e-brochure disc.
- To install TeamViewer from JAMB e-brochure disc:
Insert the JAMB e-brochure disc into your computer. Wait for a minute or two before you open 'My Computer' on your computer; right-click on the Disc Drive, choose 'Explore' (for Window XP) or 'Open' (on later versions of window). From the options that appear, double-click on the 'Software'; click on the 'WIN' folder and Lo! There it is; what is left is to double click on the 'TeamViewer' setup to install to open TeamViewer installation wizard – that will guide you through the installation process. See the screenshots below for details

2. We shall need at least two (2) PC: The one to be controlled and the one to control the other
3. An internet connection. Don't worry; it wouldn't consume much of your data, ok? Except if you plan to transfer files.
Note: If you want to use TeamViewer for many computers/commercial purposes, you will have to purchase the license from the TeamViewer Company but for personal usage, IT'S FREE.

Let's setup the remote control computer and its counterpart
Install the same version of TeamViewer on both computers

Once the installation is completed, launch the TeamViewer. There, we shall need an internet connection to get the ID and password that we shall use. Connect both PC to the internet. Once it is connected, you will be issued an ID and Password; copy/write it down (we shall need it later)

Install TeamViewer from the JAMB E-Brochure

The steps above completed successfully? It is time to configure the PC for the task at hand. Get your seat and let's begin.
On the PC to be use as a remote control, enter the other PC's ID into the Partner ID box. Then click on the 'Connect to Partner' button.

From the PC to be use as a remote control, wait for an invitation message from the other PC (it will take seconds to reach you). When you see it, click Yes/Ok to join/accept the offer. Then enter the password of the other PC. Once the password is verify to be correct, you have the access to control/view/open anything on the other computer. No matter your distance you can view it easily.

To control remotely, over a long distance or range, all you need is the ID and password of both computers, follow the previous steps and you will be able to get what you had left undone on the other computer.

Sharing is good; share this blog and its information to your friends around the globe. Drop your comment below

PowerPoint VBA for Quiz (Part 2)

It's great to have you back on the part two (2) of PowerPoint VBA for Quiz. In the previous part of the PowerPoint VBA for Quiz, the code so far, was to tell the users if they are right or wrong.

Today, we shall improve our quiz with some new sets of codes. It's going to include some explanations, so find your time because it will be fun! Our quiz in the previous part prompts users to input their names, which will be saved for later use; but one of the duties of a good programmer is the ability to suggest errors (this is some act of debugging of the program at hand). We asked the user to input something; the user might just enter a space or leave it empty and gain access into the quiz. We wouldn't want that to happen!
In this post, we shall restrict our users to input something before they can proceed. Got that? Awesome!
To make this post easy-to-understand, I will now explain some aspects of VBA Programming that we will use.
For more aspects of the VBA Programming, I recommend you to read VBA Programming

Introducing While-Do, If-Else loops, Booleans, Assignment Variable
If you know all the above mentioned; you can skip to the coding tutorial below
In programming – no matter the language you use for your program – there were some likeliness among programming languages. For example, the word 'loop' is common to all the programming languages including VBA. They are conditional statement; in the sense that it enables us to restrict users or our program from doing something unless an action was performed. Confused? Don't be.
To explain that in a clearer sense, think of your FACEBOOK account; if you enter you username, but fail to enter the password; you will get an error message. That's in likeliness with loops in programming. Understood? Good!

While-Do loops
This is a kind of loop that can perform an action while another action is going on. For instance; While James is typing, play (do) the music! As simple as that, don't forget that, we will need it later.
If-Else loops
In some sense like the while-do, this does an action if it is what we want it to do; else it does another action. Let me elaborate that.
Example: If my book is on the table, then take it to my room, else (if it is not there) go and sleep. Very simple!
Boolean is a data input type (e.g. input types include numbers, texts, strings, Boolean long….). It consists of only two options; True and False. This means that Boolean type of data can only be either True or False.
Assignment Operator (:=)
Mathematically, x cannot be equal to (x + 1) i.e. x ≠ x + 1, but in programming, it can! That's where assignment operator comes in. If I wrote x := x + 1, I am telling the computer that whenever this procedure was called (i.e. whenever this code is running), it should add 1 to the value in the x.
If the procedure was called three different times, it will have added 3 to the initial value of x. This can be use to keep record of the scores of the user(s). More on that later.
What differentiate the assignment operator from the mathematics' equality sign, is the presence of the colon before it. That is :=

Comment is a great feature that helps in coding, when you comment on your codes; you are saving yourself the inconveniencies of troubleshooting or debugging; making it easy for review process; help others know how you go about a code.
Programming languages have different comment style/format. To comment in Pascal, it will be *Comments goes here *; to comment on VBA, it will be 'Comments goes here.
Example:       'This is a comment by Jacob thanks for visiting my blog. Happy Surfing!
Anything within a single inverted comma is regarded as a comment by the Visual Basic Editor

Open your Visual Basic Editor from the developer tap. Oops! Developer tab wasn't there? Check this post to find how to show the developer tab
On the VBE window, click on Insert to insert a new Module
Type in the following;
Sub Username()          'This is a comment that explain the code
Dim username as String
Dim proceed as Boolean   'proceed values set to either True/False type of data
While Not Proceed             'before proceeding
Username = inputbox (prompt:="Enter your username", title:="Username") 'we provided inputbox
If username ="" then                      'if username is empty then
Proceed is false                   'Go back to line 5 above
Else                                'if something different was entered
Proceed is true                               'Proceed to the next code
End If                                              'use to end an if function
Wend                                     'Use to end while sentence
End sub()                              'This end the whole procedure

Now, go to the Run tab on the window's menu bar and select Run; if all was well with your code, you should see your code run. The only thing left is to link your macro/code to an action button. Preferably the Proceed button on your PowerPoint Presentation

Drop your comments if you had found this post useful. More updates soon.

Computer Fingerprint Protection with HP SimplePass – An Anti-Hacking Guide

About two decades ago, some issues experienced by computer users around the globe concerning the security status of their computer, had stirred a strong competition among computer geniuses and scientists; with HP and many renowned computer companies striving to improve computer's security.
In this post, you will learn how to protect your Laptop or Notebook with the HP SimplePass Software.

One of the significant duties of any computer user is a strong, reliable and trusted security system. When I said security, it can be in phases ranging from virus/malware/spyware protection (through the usage of Anti-Virus programs) or hacking and un-authorized access protection. On the hacking and un-authorized access note, creating a strong password always proved to be the best option but despite all these cares and security; those that were privileged to own a computer/laptop were either:
1.       Fed up with typing password every time they want to log in to their computer, or
2.       The computer wasn't totally secure despite the STRONG protecting password
No matter how strong your password is, there are possibilities that hackers around you will gain access to your PC or online account.
To setup the Fingerprint Protection for your computer, you will need the following prerequisites:
1.       A PC, Laptop or Notebook computer
2.       Operating System – Window 7, Vista or Window 8
3.       A fingerprint scanner. (If your PC has an in-built fingerprint, you don't need this)
4.       The HP SimplePass software (download from the HP official Website)
5.       The HP SimplePass Sensor drivers (also on the HP Official Website, depending on the OS you are on)

You can also Download the complete Computer Fingerprint Protection with HP SimplePass.pdf - 1.1 MB

Step 1
Download and install the HP SimplePass from HP Website. Unzip the file if it was zipped, by right-clicking; select 'Extract files'
Install the unzipped file in a location you will easily remember

Step 2
Install the driver packs that come with your HP SimplePass (if present). Some later versions have the drivers in the HP SimplePass setup. So, be careful to download the latest version.

Step 4
Launch the installed 'HP SimplePass'. On windows, click on 'Start'; then 'All Programs', find the HP folder and finally, click on 'HP SimplePass'. Wait for the program to launch.

Step 5
With your biometric /fingerprint reader plugged in, input your window log on password (the password you use for your PC), if you haven't setup a password, the HP SimplePass will help you set it up. Once set up, the password is your master password for HP SimplePass security. Never forget that, ok? Good!
You can also Download Computer Fingerprint Protection with HP SimplePass.pdf - 1.1 MB
To enable the biometric for your window log on security; click on the 'Window Log On' icon at the top right screen. At the prompt, input your window log on password and voila! Enroll your fingers! Make sure to enroll more than two fingers for security reasons (you might have a scratch or injured one of your fingers, enrolling more than two gave you the access to use the other fingers when necessary.

Some cool features of the HP SimplePass
1.       Window log on with fingerprint security (mentioned earlier)
2.       QuickLaunch (enables you to launch websites through the usage of a defined shortcut key)
On a final note, you may want to remove, delete, import or export fingerprints. To do that; navigate to the Control Panel, Click on 'Hardware and Sound'. From the options that appear, click on 'Biometric Devices'. That will open a new window where you can modify your fingerprint data.
I hope that really help you to improve your computer's security status. Drop your comments below. You can also share this post to your friends.

20 Tips To Become A Pro Graphic Designer

The world of graphic design is really a broad one. There are many segments in it, but all in one way or the other, are of great importance to us. Today I will like to share 20 things to do to become a good and professional graphic designer. These tips I will be sharing, were based on some influence of it, I had experienced and some from friends in the field.
Being good, at times, does not always mean your overall ability; it might only mean how good you can put what you know into practice. In the same vein, good experience is always a solid foundation for expertise.

Become A good and professional graphic designer

A - Adhere to instructions: Most designs do have specifications regarding how to and/or design size; these specifications always have some reasonable influence on the work at hand. To save you the trouble of errors or wrong design layouts, always follow each design's specifications correctly.
G – Get the right material for your design(s). Great designers always have needed materials ready. Materials such as the design layout/template, an image or any other required materials should be ready before designing process. These materials help you to do what you know in a convenient and easy way.
Besides, it helps people to find what your designs are all about. Think of designing a portfolio for a juice company. The first think to consider materially may be images such as fruit or branded products of that company followed by some nice colour that relates to that of the company. Got that? Good!
O – Organized your design. Good organization matters a lot in graphic design. It speaks your true power graphically. Well organized colours, images and objects are great features that make people understand how good you can implement your skills.
O – Opt-out of archaic/awkward design. In other words, stay current to the latest design tips and strategies. The internet is a very good place to get these gists. A Google search will surely do you good.
D – Discover yourself. My philosophy of life is that until you discover yourself, you can't overrule out of your ignorance. That is, unless you alone, I mean you, unless you discover your true power and ability, it will be difficult to achieve the aim of a good graphic designer. Discover yourself and work out your differences.
G – Generate new sets of design strategies; they help you so that you don't become an 'impotent' expert (or archaic expert). A good discovery of yourself should lead you to employing new skills and with those skills; you are clearing the bush and removing the thorns that may hinder you on your way to become a great and professional graphic designer.
R – Redesign where necessary; I remember there was a time I worked on a friend's project. Then, I had to design five (5) portfolios (with same text and wordings but with different designs). To all intents and purpose, always design a backup design, that is, always design at least 2 different designs per project. Though this may look boring but it takes you a long way to achieve and attain your dreams.
A – Adjust your designs in a nice and accurate manner. Nice adjustment is another factor you have to take to heart while designing. What matter most in graphic design is your audience. Who are you audiences? Do you plan your design for the public? Is your texts and designs readable? All these questions point to several things of which nice graphical adjustment is an important aspect.
P – Play around with your design in your heart. Yes! Of course, I said 'Play Around'. Though, that might sounded funny but it is another strategy that had worked for many graphic designers including me. Meanwhile, while 'playing around', always remember what you left to play. In other sense, DON'T OVER-PLAY! Who knows, you may get the best strategy you had longed for while doing that.

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H – Have a curious mind: Be curious because when you are, you find interesting things to do. Curiosity will always lead you into new discoveries that will change your standard to a pro designer.
I – Importance. The rule of the game is "until you value yourself, you won't value your time. Until you value your time, you will not do anything with it", that was a quote from Scott Peck (1936 – 2005). Maya Angelou (1928) was also right when he said "success is liking yourself, liking what you do and liking how you do it". So, value yourself, your dreams, the time you use for your designs and what you design. If you don't value yourself don't expect outsiders to value you and what you do? Suffice to say, like yourself and your design and believe that you can improve.
C – Cooperate with peers in the field. This sounded like some kind of teamwork. When you work as a team, you gain multiplied folds of what you will gain as a personal being. At times, teamwork may not be the correct option because you shouldn't rely too much on it, but all the same it helps.
D – Do-It-Often: Believe me, to become a pro graphic designer is not a day job and the best way to implement new skills is when you design often. Always remember these words from Vince Lombardi (1913 – 1970), "Practice does not make perfect, perfect practice makes perfect". In other words, practice perfectly to become a perfect and professional in graphic design. With perfect practice, your graphic designs may extends to some other technical template design for Ms Office applications; that is, good practice may lead you to a standard PowerPoint template designer/programming.
E – Examine yourself and your design: Before you go out to broadcast your success on a particular design, it is better to examine your design to avoid errors and wrongdoings. Be optimistic while working, but don't be too enthusiastic (you may end up losing your focus). Your personal being integrates/determines the quality of your work. "Work harder on yourself than you on your job" – Jim Rohn (1930 – 2009).
S –Shape your professional future: Stay focused to the true you which you want to see in the nearest glowing future. Don't be distracted. Stay focused.
I – Itemize your mistakes: To learn from your previous mistakes is not a sin; in fact, it is the greatest privilege to rise again; and to rise more powerful. Always learn your lessons from errors or mistakes you made.
G – Gather knowledge from others: Learn from experts or professionals; you acquired more skills by doing that.
N – Never over-praise your work: Much enthusiasm is not good for a good graphic designer. It can drag you down to the zero point without any tangible achievements. Don't be confuse, ok? Be happy but don't be over-happy about your work. So, beware!
E – Enhance with corrections: Corrections from friends or peers goes a long way to help you stabilize your feet on the graphical world of today.
R – Reach lots of people with your design: In another term, promote yourself and your work. Make yourself known. Let people know that you can do it. A nice graphic image on your page (twitter, Facebook will do) let people know who you are. Good promoting strategies help you find people that love your concepts and designs. They may end up requiring for your services.

You can download the pdf view of this post

And with that, we have come to the end of the 20 tips to become a pro graphic designer. On the final note, I will advise you to be creative. Another word for graphic design is creativity; if you want to become a professional and an expert in graphic design, you have to be creative. I hope you had found this post useful? 

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GOOGLE DRIVE: A Good backup

Google, as a firm of technology had changed the world around us with the release of GoogleDrive on April 24, 2012. It is an online platform that can be use for file sharing and backup, and as a synchronization service.

The greatest significant of any student of ICT or users of computer/mobile phone, is the ability to save files/documents for later use. Our files/documents are of utmost importance to us but as great as we valued this files,we often lost them when our PC/phone break down. In this post, you will discover how to Backup your files
What is a backup ?

A backup of a file or document mean a stored and/or reserved or kept copy of that file in a storage system, such as removable drives (flash, card readers, external hard disk). All the above mentioned removable drives are applicable to computer only.

Why Backup?
Every mobile phone or computer user should have a backup of some of their important documents. Why? At times, we may think all is well with our gadgets but it may break down and this may affect some vital documents on it. So, to be on a safer side, always backup your vital files to a third party system (by third party system, I meant to a device or system that can keep it safe).

 What to backup?
Backing up is an option, you may not be able to backup everything onboard but always backup your vital information such as pictures, music, files…. While backing, please note that you should consider very important files ONLY. Avoid backing up everything, back up Very Important Files (VIF) Only.

Where to backup?
In my earlier statement, I made mentioned of removable drives as storage devices for file backup. When we talk of reliability, removable devices might not be and besides, you may forget to take it with you for something urgent. So, for the purpose of great backup and good quality, we shall look into Google backup system I mentioned earlier (GoogleDrive)

Getting Started
To get started, input into the address bar of your browser. When you surf to the official page of GoogleDrive.
I. If it is on a mobile phone (Smartphone preferably), I recommended you to download the GoogleDrive app for easy access.
II. On PC, click on ‘Take me to Drive

Note:- you will have to sign in to your gmail/google account. If you don’t have any google account. Then create one right away!

Once you are logged in, choose ‘Create’ from the options in the left side bar. You can create a folder and name it what you like.
To back up your files. Click on Backup/Upload’, this will open the directories on your PC or Phone. Navigate to the file(s) you want to backup.

Click on it.
That’s it; all you have to do is waiting for the file to be uploaded.
The good news is that no matter where you are, you can get your backed up files again. Once you can connect to the GoogleDrive site.
Login your account, right-click (PC) or click (Phone) on the file.
Choose ‘Download’. This will download your file(s).

I hope you had found this useful.
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