POWERPOINT VBA for Quiz Management (With Pictures)

Several years after the release of Microsoft PowerPoint, many users were yet to discover the true Power of the MS PowerPoint in terms of quiz management and programming.
In this tutorial, I will show you some of these features and we shall look into some VBA Programming features.
OH! You are new to programming? Don’t worry I had arranged everything in such a way you will understand.
If you are new to VBA, then read VBA Programming

Let’s swing into action:
1.   Open your Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 (recommended)
In the first slide’s title text box, we are going to type something like ‘WORLD QUIZ’ in there, so get your seat and type… 
2.  Create two (2) additional slides
      To create new slides, on the Home Tab, click on New Slide to create new slides. Don’t forget that we need 2 slides, which mean you will click it twice. You got that? Yes, I meant the slides? Good!

3.   Input the following on each of the title text box of the new created slides;
On second slide…..Input - How many days are in a year?
On the third slide…..Input – The first letter of the English alphabet is?

4.   To avoid confusion, we are going to delete all the subtitles text boxes of all the slides. Left click on them, then press ‘Delete’ on your keyboard.

5.   We are going to use the action buttons to input the multiple answers.
      An action button is a button which does an action when clicked. Think of pressing the power button of your mobile phone, the phone respond to your press by turning on. This is in likeliness with the action buttons. When pressed, they does a specific action. More on that later!
On the first slide, insert an action button. If you are confuse, you can check the image(s) for clarity, ok?

To insert an action button,
Go to insert choose shapes, under the action button category, choose custom.
Then hold and drag to draw the button, release the button. Oh! That pop-up window is not useful now, close it! Now, draw another on the second slide. Yes, like that! Very good!


6.   Duplicate the box on the second slide into 3, with the original, that make them four (this is the number of choice your multiple choices quiz will have)
To duplicate,
Click and hold the left mouse button, press and hold Ctrl + Shift too.

Move it some space from the original one and release the mouse click. Make sure to hold the Ctrl and Shift key together. I hope you got that? Good!
7.   Duplicate the four action buttons on slide 2 to slide 3.
To do that, hold down shift key, now click on each of the four action boxes to select them. Right click on one of them, choose copy or press Ctrl + C. Now, go to the third slide and press Ctrl + V to paste it.
8.   Time to input the answers!
Go to slide 2, right-click on the first action button and select ‘Edit Text’.
Write ‘300’,
Do the same for each of the three remaining buttons
On the second action button, write ‘250’; third write ‘365’; fourth write ‘366’
* To add text to other buttons, right-click on them & select ‘Edit Text’.
Go to slide 3, perform the same action as above,
On the first action button write ‘A’; On the second action button write ‘B’; On the third action button write ‘C’; On the first action button write ‘D
Don’t forget that the main function of the action buttons is to perform an action when they were clicked. To make it more interactive, we will write a code which will tell the user if the answer he/she chose is right or wrong. That’s where VBA comes in.

Are you new to VBA? You can read VBA Programming
After following the link above you can then come back. “It is always a good measure to know what you need to know”.
9.  On the PowerPoint menu bar, select the ‘Developer’ tab.
      In case, it is not there, follow these steps:
a.       click on the MS Office button
b.      Select ‘PowerPoint Options
c.       On the ‘PowerPoint Options Screen’, check the ‘Show Developer Tab in the Ribbon
d.      Click ‘OK’
Under the developer tab, select ‘Visual Basic’. I hope you got that? Good! For the purpose of this tutorial, we will consider module as the tag of our code.
On the new window of Visual Basic, select the insert tab, choose ‘Module
Write this:
Sub Username()
Dim Username As String
Username = Inputbox (prompt:=”Enter your name”, title:=”Enter your details”)
End Sub

Sub RightAns()
Msgbox(“Good Job!”)
End Sub

Sub WrongAns()
Msgbox(“Please Try Again”)
End Sub

Close the VBA window
If you don’t understand the code above, read the post on VBA Programming

10.      For easy access and for our code to run without obstruction, we need to save the presentation as a ‘macro-enabled’.
Choose ‘Save As’ from the office button. Set the ‘Save as type’ to ‘PowerPoint Macro-Enabled Presentation

 11. What is left for us to do, is to link our code to the action buttons.
      Go to Slide 1, right-click on the ‘Proceed’ button, choose ‘Edit hyperlink’, then proceed and choose ‘Hyperlink to’, click on Run macro to enable the box, now choose ‘Username’….Click OK.

For slide 2 & 3, same procedure as above, all you have to do is just link the run macro to ‘WrongAns’ for wrong answers and link ‘RightAns’ for right answers.

To preview your work, go to View Slide show. Or you can press F5 on your keyboard.

More updates soon.Thanks for visiting.I hope you had find this useful

I am a digital solution architect merging technical acumen with enthusiastic narratives.


  1. That's great! Keep it up

  2. How can I make a slide to be macro password-enabled so that only upon input of the required password that it does move to next slid?

    1. You can try this module ...

      Sub passkey()

      1: passkey = InputBox("Please enter the password")

      If passkey = "YOUR PASSWORD COMES HERE" Then

      Goto 1

      End If
      End Sub

      Please stay connected to this blog; I will organize a Tut on this very soon. Thanks for your comment and sorry for the late reply


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